we arrived at the John Butler House where we would be staying, we all wondered whose set of clubs
were in the dining room. A closer examination showed it was none of
ours -- probably a loaner set for anyone who had come without clubs
and wanted to play. It was truly a "mixed bag"; there were no two clubs
of the same model, and precious few with even the same brand name. The
set consisted of:
(RP Photo)
The John Butler
House is a Bed & Breakfast. We take them at
their word, and always bring breakfast makin's. It gets us out in time
to play golf -- important because the Rock Run Inn (where we are
nominally entitled to breakfast) doesn't open until 8:00am at the
earliest. Over the years, we have convinced the management that doesn't
work for real golfers. No, they still don't open at a reasonable time.
But now we get a no-breakfast discount, and supply our own breakfast.
Another year or two and the cashier at the Shop'n'Save down on Route 51 will recognize
Now all we have to do is convince the fire alarm that the new toaster
is not dangerous. Or maybe convince Rock to use a setting less than
Friday - Lindenwood

JFB and Mark, Red fourth tee
(DT photo)

A pesky mower man was
dogging us the whole first
round. On the next-to-last hole,
he was mowing the rough in
the vicinity where JFB hit his
drive. Mower-ball!!
(DT photo)
think that playing the same courses every year would get boring. But
Lindenwood is never boring. Gorgeous course, and we had a gorgeous day
to play. When it was all over, we played 36 holes. (Red, gold, blue,
and back to red.)
There were nine of us playing in three
threesomes. (Well, eight people two foursomes for the final nine; Gary Hayenga opted out.) I played the
morning with Mr. JFB and
Sir Markus, so you'll see them in most of my pictures. The blue nine
was with JFB and Thor, and the final nine on red was with Fred Stluka,
Chuck Bernard, and Paul Osad. And at this point, I think I mentioned
everybody who attended.
We compared scores at lunch, and found
that almost everybody did better the second nine than the first -- with
some extreme examples. For instance, Thor turned in a 63 on
front (red) nine, and carded a 39 on the back (gold). On the other
hand, I had a pretty consistent 47-44. Most of the others fell in
A couple of stories to tell on Mark -- and one on JFB and me too:
- On
the fourth hole of the red nine, Mark actually played three holes. His
drive went well left and bounced further left off a tree, over to the
sixth hole. He pitched back through the trees to the fourth, then hit
his next shot left again to the fifth hole. He eventually did finish
the hole on the fourth green, so it was all legal golf.
- On the par-4 fifth hole of the gold nine, Mark was
just left of the green in two. Unfortunately, he was left of a
greenside bunker, with the pin tight just over the bunker -- a very
delicate shot. After reciting the obligatory, "This
is where I need a 73º wedge," Mark hit his own lob
wedge way
up in the air and over the bunker. It landed on the green like a sack
of potatoes, and stopped less than two feet from the hole. Then JFB and
I chipped to just outside Mark's ball, all in a line. Mark had a short,
un-missable putt, and reads from both of us. JFB and I both
underestimated the break; our putts died just right and missed the hole
completely. Mark, determined
not to let that happen to him, blew it past the hole on the high left
side. That's three missed putts inside three and a half feet. Ouch!

The first hole on the blue nine
starts over a lake. That's our
second group on the tee in the
background. Thor is admiring
his drive well up the fairway.
(DT photo)

Mr JFB tees off on the blue #7
(DT photo)
was tasty, but a little weird. We almost missed our afternoon tee time,
so slow was the clubhouse service. We had the same waitress
as last
year, and she was just as flustered and just as slow. She blamed it on
a "new system". Fred and I had talked on the drive to Pittsburgh about
everybody accepted the excuse "the computer is down" these days, and
she just had another variant of it.
After lunch, we played the
blue nine. I played with Thor and JFB. I know I didn't play it very
well, starting with a double bogey (hard hole) and a triple bogey (easy
hole), followed by a beautiful tee shot and a three-putt bogey. No more
distasters for the round, but not a single par. The blue nine involves
the most climbing and (except for red #7) the most opportunities to
lose a ball. So we were pretty worn out when we finished. But JFB
pointed out the Saturday forecast implied we were not likely to play
at all -- and almost certainly no more than 18 holes. So we should use
the remaining daylight on this beautiful day and play another nine. We
did, all except Gary who watched us from a cart for a few holes.
Then he decided a hot shower and a nap sounded good, so he left. We
played as two foursomes.

The gold #2 is a hilly par-5.
JFB and Mark are on the [very
elevated] tee waiting for the
group ahead to clear.
(DT photo)

The west edge of the course is
against a river and a road. The
other side of the road rises
steeply to a development that
is almost a cliff dwelling. That
is the background behind Thor's drive.
(DT photo)
wanted to play the gold for our final nine, since that is
the easiest walk. But we were told that it would be half an hour to an
hour before we could tee off on gold, and red was available now.
Great... We played red. By the second hole, we had hit "the wall";
there were a lot of groups backed up, and the going was very slow until
the eighth hole. (The seventh is a par-3 over a lake, that takes a lot of time -- and
allows the groups to spread out.) When we finished, we waited a long
time for the final foursome, a big surprise because Thor and Mark are
fast players, and Rock and JFB are not slouches in this department
either. Turns out there was a team beer match going, and everybody was
being very careful not to waste any shots. (But they were not
hesitating to waste breath trash-talking about whether the teams were
After golf, we adjourned to Woody's Italian Restaurant in
Versailles for dinner. (Everyone except Chuck and Paul. They
decided that, given the weather report, it wasn't worth sticking
around; they headed back to Cleveland.) Woody's Chicken Isabella was
almost as good as last time -- maybe a bit salty, but still very tasty.
And a lot of it! I couldn't finish, and took half of it back to the
B&B. Hey, the house has a microwave oven, and I'll need to do
something for lunch tomorrow. Everybody else seemed to enjoy what they
had, too. I am confident we will continue to eat there. |
Saturday - Butlers
dawned gray and cloudy -- and wet underfoot because it rained
overnight. But it was not quite raining, even though the forecast
said it should be now and it will for most of the day. We quickly downed
our do-it-yourself breakfast and headed to the clubhouse.
was no competition for tee times -- we were the only crazies in western Pennsylvania -- so we set off immediately.
I was in the second group, a foursome with Thor, Gary, and Rock; our
lead threesome was Mark, JFB, and Fred.
The course was very wet,
and of course playing extremely long. Well-hit drives were staying
within a foot or two of their ball marks. So I was thrilled with a
birdie on the par-5 first hole. Good drive, pretty good 3-wood, and a
less-than-full sand wedge to 6 feet... And I made the putt. Actually,
this was my best nine of the weekend, a 42, and the back nine tied my
second best at 44. That's an 86, just one over my personal best at

You don't see this very often.
Thor in a rain jacket and
bucket hat -- both soaked, by
the way. And yes, we all have
our umbrellas up. (L to R:
Rock, Thor, and DaveT)
(GH photo)

On the 17 th green, we faced
an absolute lake.
And it was
even worse on #18. BTW, the
diagonal streaks are not
scratches. (It's a digital
picture.) They're raindrops.
(GH photo)
It was very windy, and we got the occasional drizzle. Not
at all comfortable, but I think we expected worse; we were prepared,
psychologically and sartorially. The umbrellas were occasionally up,
but that was iffy. The wind was strong enough that both Thor's and my
cart blew over when the umbrella stand acted like a spinnaker mast.
weather, both wind and drizzle, got worse on the back nine. By the
fifteenth hole, the rain was really hard, and did not let up from there
on. Fortunately, our first threesome was done by then; it was just our
second foursome that got soaked. But boy, did we get soaked. Thor was
not having a good day, with either the weather or his golf game. Nobody
is used to golfing with Thor and seeing him in a rain jacket and bucket
hat and still dripping wet.
Gary managed a tap-in birdie on the
short but steeply uphill twelfth hole. And that was the highlight of
the back nine. Well, I hit the green with my tee shot on #15; I've
never done that before. It's only 165 yards, but features a small, well-trapped
green and no good bail-out if you hit the full distance and miss the
green. For the whole round, I managed to limit the damage to bogeys --
until the last hole, which I played like a drowned rat and got a
double-bogey. And it wasn't even an honest double. I was on in
four, looked at the condition of the green and said, "If I
this putt, I'm just taking a 2-putt; this green is silly." It had a
puddle across the middle that was already an inch deep. Thor bet
me that I couldn't get the ball to the hole. I hit the putt as hard as
I could, and came up more than six feet short. Rock and Gary also came
up way short of the hole. Then Thor proceeded to "putt" with a hybrid;
he was the only one to reach the hole.
rest of the day saw
no more golf, at least not from us. Late in the day, Chris Georg showed
up with his friend Clark. They played 18, and Mark walked the course
with them. As for the rest of us:
- Some had lunch at the
clubhouse (the Rock Run Inn) and some in the Butler House. I reheated
Woody's Chicken Isabella from last night. Rock complained, "I had to
sit next to him last night and smell delicious stuff. Now I have to do
it again today!?!"
- Mark managed to break two pair of reading glasses in
the space of 20 minutes. One was his own, and one was Fred's. Don't ask.
- Showers, naps, beer, and the PGA Tour on television
were the order of the afternoon.
8pm, after Chris, Clark, and Mark finished their round, we headed off
to Molnar's. We were too late! They had closed the kitchen. They sent
us down the road to another biker bar with what they said was equally
good food. We found The
with no problems and only three illegal turns. We were not sure if
Chris and Clark were joining us. Turns out they did, but when the proprietor asked
for our table size, Thor said, "I don't know how many people will be
here." He answered with a complete non-sequitur, "Don't worry, there'll
be plenty." Turns out it was karaoke night, and he thought we were
worried the place would be dead. We wound up at a big table right next
to the karaoke setup. And, proprietor's wishful thinking to the
contrary, we were the sole audience for the karaoke until we finished
our meals and left. Good food, by the way. Not limited to deep-fried
goodies, and Thor even managed to order a sausage sandwich. My Reuben
sandwich was plenty good... and it was a rural Pennsylvania biker bar and
not a New York deli. Kudos to the cook. |
Sunday - Cedarbrook
have never, ever played Cedarbrook when the course was even slightly
dry. And I still haven't. It was soaked, as it always is. Yesterday's
rain was added to the already wet Spring they have had, and the ground
was very spongy.
The day was cold and very windy, not comfortable at all. By the turn,
it had warmed up enough to take off the winter gloves and windbreaker,
but it was still very windy. A long-sleeve golf shirt and light sweater
were still called for. I wore shorts all day, because I knew the course
would be wet and didn't want more mud on my cuffs.
usually play the Gold course -- it is longer and more challenging and
interesting. This time we played the Red course, in two threesomes.
(Mr. JFB had decided to leave yesterday before dinner.) I played with
Gary and Mark in the second group. We were caught by a single in a cart
on the eighth hole. He decided to join us rather than play through.
That slowed us down a little -- we had been right behind our first
group -- but not much. We were only a little over a hole behind when we
 Fred did his usual barefoot bit, in spite of the cold... and because of the wet course. (RP photo) |
 Thor on the extremely elevated tenth tee. (RP photo) |
 Dave chugs up the hill in the final fairway. (RP photo) |
 Mark's coment after struggling from the terrible front bunker on #18: "I knew I shoulda' laid up." (RP photo) |
We played pretty well for holes 2 through 5. Mark
parred the long downhill (but upwind) par-5 second, by putting a
160-yard approach shot inside ten feet. Then he got two reads from Gary
and me. Unlike Friday, he handled the reads -- and made the
par putt. We all parred the next three holes, a par-3, a short par-4,
and another par-3. In fact, Mark sneaked in a birdie. Then it all fell
apart. There is a hidden pond in
front of the green, but we knew it was there. Knowing didn't help. My
was longer and lefter than I intended, and Gary's approach shot
quite long enough. We both drowned balls. Mark, after a gorgeous drive,
found several other ways to screw up the hole. I think the best score
among us was a double-bogey -- and I guarantee that wasn't me. BTW,
earlier, as we drove into the course, I had pointed out the pond to
Fred and warned him it would not be visible from the fairway. Do you
think it helped? Not!
my score on the front nine was very interesting, to say the least. It
was perfect bogey -- nine over par -- pretty normal for me on a
course I don't play often. But I did it with only two bogey holes. The
rest were a triple,
two doubles, and four pars. Bizarre! The back nine was more
conventional: one over bogey, with two doubles and one par. I was
especially pleased with the way I played the difficult last hole, a
long uphill and upwind par-4. I had a good drive, breaking a string of
duck-hook drives for most of the back nine. But I was still a
long way from home. My layup 3-hybrid found a fairway bunker I didn't
even know was there over a hump in the fairway. My 70-yard PW out of
bunker was on line and high enough to hit the elevated green. It
finished in the rough just behind the flag, a routine up-and-down for
bogey. (Bogey doesn't sound impressive, but it would have gotten the
skin in
our foursome.)
Gary probably had the best round of our group,
especially if you drop his adventures on the second hole. He had a
birdie somewhere along the way, and just missed a host of birdie putts (including some he
really should have made, as he would be the first to tell you).

(DT photo)
Mark, Fred, Gary, and I had lunch in the clubhouse, while everybody
headed straight home. Even so, we were on the road by 1:30pm, an hour
or more earlier than usual. I was home by 7pm, much to Honey's
delighted surprise.
Mark, thanks again for a great RSG Pitt!